Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pregnant Women Should Eat Wild Salmon

In a recent pregnancy study, it was found that mothers who ate salmon reduced their infants' inflammation. The soon-to-be published study produced revolutionary findings about the influence of omega-3 fatty acid intake in pregnant women on the immune responses of infants.

In the study, half of the pregnant women ate a diet rich in salmon, while the other half consumed a typical Western diet low in omega-3s and high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids found in vegetable oils. The salmon-diet mothers' umbilical cord cells showed an immune and inflammation response about 50 percent lower than in the Western-diet group. Thus, the cells of mothers who eat salmon are less likely to produce allergies and related immune-system disorders.

Dr. Van der Beek, who led the Salmon in Pregnancy Study, concluded that expectant mothers should be eating "...a balanced diet with sufficient vegetables and fruits, and perhaps not cook everything in oil. And there should be one to two portions of fatty fish a week, and other sources of the omega-3 DHA."

A NOTE: Unlike wild salmon, farmed salmon, although equally high in omega-3s, is also high in pro-inflammatory omega-6s found in the most commonly used vegetable oils.

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