Monday, October 24, 2011

Don't stop taking your vitamins! Dr. Mark Hyman explains why

"Vitamins kill people." This is the "theory" proposed by a recent study that's hitting publications and broadcasts all over the country. Dr. Mark Hyman responded with a comprehensive look into why this vitamin study does not prove anything.

According to Dr. Hyman, most vitamin studies that show harm are flawed because they're often designed like drug studies. For instance, a study may issue someone a high dose of vitamin E to see what happens. The danger inherent in this method of testing is obvious. As Hyman points out, "We all agree that broccoli is good for you, but if that were all you ate you would die in short order. The same is true of vitamins. Nutrients are not drugs and they can’t be studied as drugs. They are part of a biological system where all nutrients work as a team to support your biochemical processes. Michael Jordon may have been the best basketball player in history, but he couldn’t have won six NBA titles without a team."

After carefully examining the "Vitamins Kill You" study on older white women in Iowa, Hyman identified some major flaws:
1.) Hormone replacement was not taken into consideration.
2.) Iron should not be given to older women.
3.) Patient background was ignored.
4.) The population was not representative
5.) Forms and quality of vitamins were not identified.
6.) A realistic comparison between vitamins and other medications as cause of death was not made.

To read the complete article, go to

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